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    European Union 結果共14筆

  • Taiwan eyes stronger ties with UK post-Brexit

    Following the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union (EU), Taiwan’s representative to the UK, Vincent Yao, stated that Brexit has allowed the UK to establish closer economic ties with Taiwan, potentially helping Taiwan resist China’s attempts to isolate it. Taiwan is also increasingly investing in the UK, with the goal of becoming the UK’s primary trading partner in Europe. Additionally, strengthening UK-Taiwan trade relations could benefit the UK by providing access to Taiwan’s key industries, such as semiconductors. The bilateral relationship between Taiwan and the UK is reflected in the increase of UK government officials posted to Taiwan and the expansion of the UK office in Taipei. Collaboration between the two countries extends to areas such as artificial intelligence, offshore wind power, and electric vehicle batteries. However, there is still room for further development in bilateral cooperation.
    2024/01/30 12:41
  • CDC new receives batch of Novavax XBB vaccines

    Taiwan has received 462,800 doses of Novavax’s XBB vaccine, with distribution starting on January 9, 2023, according to the Taiwan Centers for Diseases Control (CDC). In May of this year, Taiwan categorized Covid-19 as a class 4 endemic disease, similar to seasonal flu. The decision was based on clinical trial reports and immunization recommendations from the U.S., the European Union (EU), and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW). Unvaccinated individuals are advised to receive two doses of 0.5mL each, administered at least four weeks apart. Those who have already received a COVID-19 vaccine should receive a single dose of 0.5mL, provided at least three months have passed since their last dose. The domestically available XBB vaccine includes those produced by Moderna and Novavax, and recipients can choose either brand for vaccination.
    2023/12/30 21:19
  • Cynthia Wu slams MOFA over COP28 diplomacy

    Taiwan People’s Party vice presidential candidate Cynthia Wu expresses disappointment with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) over its handling of diplomatic challenges during COP28. Wu emphasizes the need for the government to reconsider its approach to enhance the economy and diplomacy simultaneously. She highlights the recent consensus in the European Union (EU), where over 700 members of the EU Parliament passed a motion to negotiate bilateral free trade agreements with Taiwan. Wu credits MOFA, the Legislative Yuan, and herself for raising Taiwan’s international profile.
    2023/12/20 21:13
  • 保持嚴格中立 歐盟法院:行政機構員工「禁戴伊斯蘭頭巾」

    歐盟(European Union)最高法院28日裁定:成員國的公共當局可以禁止員工佩戴「帶有宗教信仰的標誌」,例如伊斯蘭頭巾,這成為針對歐洲多年來嚴重分裂問題的最新決定。
    2023/11/29 11:53
  • Vice President Lai praises soaring Taiwan-EU trade

    Vice President Lai Ching-te envisions Taiwan as a global haven for democracy, justice, innovation, and sustainability, as he addresses the European Chamber of Commerce. He emphasizes the need to strengthen trade and investment relations with the European Union through a Free Trade Agreement or Bilateral Investment Treaty. Taiwan-EU trade has flourished, with Europe being the largest source of foreign investment. Lai highlights the importance of maintaining a stable Strait and opposes any attempt to change the status quo by force. He also commits to Taiwan’s national vision of achieving net-zero transitions by diversifying green energy sources and implementing high-tech solutions for energy conservation.
    2023/11/08 20:03
  • Estonia allows Taiwan to establish rep. office in Tallinn

    A survey conducted by the McKinsey Health Institute (MHI) revealed that Japan ranks last in terms of employees’ physical, psychological, social, and mental health conditions at the workplace. The survey evaluated the health conditions of over 30,000 employees from 30 countries, with Japan scoring a mere 25%. Turkey, India, and China topped the ranking with scores of 78%, 76%, and 75% respectively.
    2023/11/04 09:54
  • El Niño to bring stronger, longer-lasting typhoons: Experts

    The weather phenomenon has shifted from La Niña to El Niño, significantly impacting typhoon formation. Research by the European Union shows that typhoon probability decreases during El Niño, but their intensity increases.
    2023/07/26 16:54
  • EU country drafts evacuation plan for nationals in Taiwan

    A representative office of a European Union country in Taiwan has established a contingency plan due to concerns of heightened tension across the Taiwan Strait, according to reports.
    2023/05/08 16:39
  • 烏克蘭總統:現在是決定讓烏加入歐盟的關鍵時刻

    俄羅斯持續攻打烏克蘭,烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基今天表示,現在是歐洲聯盟(European Union)決定是否讓烏克蘭加入歐盟的關鍵時刻。波蘭、立陶宛與德國今天則將商討制裁俄羅斯。
    2022/02/26 17:28
  • 與陸關係緊張遭經濟報復 立陶宛:為歐洲敲響警鐘

    立陶宛副外交部長普蘭克維丘斯今天說,中國對待立陶宛的方式,為歐洲敲響了「警鐘」,呼籲歐洲聯盟(European Union)團結對付北京當局。
    2021/11/04 09:36
  • 歐洲議會通過對台決議!呼籲強化政治關係、駐台機構正名

    歐盟(European Union)今(21)日正式對「歐盟–台灣政治關係與合作」決議進行表決,最終以580票對26票的壓倒性支持成功通過。儘管該項決議並不具法律約束力,但歐盟成員已要求執委會緊急對雙邊協議進行影響評估,深化與台灣的關係。
    2021/10/21 16:06
  • 承諾金援難民!歐盟強硬發聲:尚未承認塔利班、無政治對話

    塔利班接管阿富汗首都喀布爾(Kabul)後,於19日正式宣布成立「阿富汗伊斯蘭酋長國」(Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan)。歐盟(The European Union)主席范德賴恩(Ursula von der Leyen)昨(21)日表示,歐盟尚未承認塔利班、亦沒有與塔利班進行政治對話,強調將觀察他們接下來的行動進行評估。
    2021/08/22 11:17
  • 聯手拜登改善歐美關係 歐盟討論可合作的政策領域

    歐洲聯盟(European Union)官員透露,歐盟今天將開始討論在美國總統川普下台後,要如何改善跨大西洋兩岸的歐美關係。
    2020/12/01 09:43
  • 歐盟:證據指向敘國政權發動化武攻擊

    歐洲聯盟(European Union)今天表示,證據指向敘利亞政權在當地度瑪鎮(Douma)發動化武攻擊,敦促俄羅斯和伊朗等敘利亞盟友協助阻止下一起攻擊發生。
    2018/04/09 09:56
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